Seduced by something repulsive

Many years ago, if someone asked me how I wanted to die, I would say that I wished to die from the be-fanged kiss of a beautiful vampiress. To be seduced, surrender myself for eternity and then die.

This year, I read a book called “What do you say after you say hello” which deals with parental influences on kiddy-winks and how parents give the kiddy-wink a script by which to live her later life. The book talks about fairy tales and how a person’s ‘life script’ can be related back to their favourite characters in fairy tales they were told as a kiddy-wink.

I haven’t met any vampiresses since reading the book, but I have been seduced. Seduced by something which would normally disgust me – some darn-fangled new technology. This is what happened.

I enjoy using MSN Messenger to pester people I know when they’re working and I’m sipping rum in far away lands. (rum is the new vodka) But this requires some sort of computer and a connection to the internet. Having just finished five years ‘working’ for a technology company, I obviously won’t have a computer in the house, or in my rucksack in the aforementioned foreign lands. So internet cafes are the order of the day. Or internet bars.

But yesterday this all changed. I can now use a messenger on my phone through some fancy pants AgileMessenger software. So now I can annoy people who are working when I’m in any bar, toilet or train station in any state of inebriation. Hurrah.

I’m not sure if this is in my ‘life script’. Little Red Riding Hood didn’t have a mobile phone. I’m confused but happy. I think I might even get a laptop.

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