Crossing the USA in a human powered vehicle

This is an uncharacteristically short description of my goal and how I got there.

I plan to cross the USA in a human powered vehicle before the end of 2012.

Why: I could say something pithy about climate change, fossil fuels, and dependence on oil, but I really just like the idea of the challenge. The post-hoc justification and marketing spiel can come later. I think it will be fun, and a good way to raise funds / awareness.

Western Sahara 1996Why the USA? Firstly, I used to cross countries on a regular basis – France by bicycle, Russia by train, Scotland on foot, Africa by motorbike (yes I know Africa is a continent), and now I live in the Texas. It’s a big country, cheap to get to, and it should be fun.

Secondly, it’s a lot safer than the Atlantic, which I had considered crossing afterseeing a video of  Roz Savage on TED Talks late one night, and read her book about rowing across the Atlantic. “I can do that,” I said to myself, and to anyone up late at night on facebook.

Then I realized that as a father and husband, I have a duty to do things that are a little less likely to end in untimely death. So I figured I’d row across America on land, which would involve a rowing machine attached to a vehicle.

“Why don’t you just do the miles on a static rowing machine?”, asked a friend who used to row a bunch. Mainly because that would be kinda boring. True, I could fit it in during lunch times, but it wouldn’t get me out on the road.

What next? Right now I’m looking at vehicles – build or buy. The latest from HumanCar – the Imagine PS is a strong favorite right now. Check out the video below. You could say I’m in the feasibility study, though that would imply that there’s a chance it wouldn’t be feasible. I know it’s feasible, all I need to figure out is how!

Want to come? I’ve typically crossed countries on my own. Crossing the Sahara on a motorbike was my reaction to being too attached to both people and things about 15 years ago. That said, I’m much more socialized now, and would entertain going with anyone who likes an adventure. Drop me a line if you’re interested. For reals.

14 thoughts on “Crossing the USA in a human powered vehicle”

    1. You lean as you pull. I think the passenger is there for force, not steering. Do you know anyone who would want to come? Shannon is a brute and fantastic storyteller. Would he come?

    1. Thanks! All will be revealed. Once I get that time to put m butt in the typing chair…

  1. Sichere Geldanlage 2011

    This is second incident that I am scanning anything about modifying websites with the system. It seems that you are an super expert blogger. Your post is an excellent example of why I continue coming back to study your good quality content that is forever updated.

  2. generika apotheke

    It sounds like you’re creating problems yourself by trying to solve this issue instead of looking at why
    their is a problem in the first place

    1. Indeed. I could ask the dinosaurs why more of them didn’t commit Hari Kari several million years ago and why they were so spartan with their bones. If we had more commitment from the fossils, we could just burn gas willy nilly, heat up the earth and then build rocket ships to another planet. Well said, generika. That’s a very western approach I have.

  3. I’ll go. You do the rowing machine-powered bicycle and I’ll do the stairstepper-powered bicycle, except in recumbent form. Or better yet, let’s make these out in the shape of La-Z-Boy sofa chairs, w/ giant umbrellas for sails.

    1. It would have to a carbon fiber la-z boy. I’m not interested in peddling an RV across the place.

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