Look around Londoners, the evidence is in front of your very eyes. Everyone I’ve seen in London today has got bleary eyes, and is yawning. The attack was possibly perpetrated last night. It involved making super loud high frequency noises, only perceptable to the sleeping. These super-noises can waken the sleeping, leaving them without a clue as to why they are awake, but at the same time, a waking human would have no idea that anything had happened. Dogs, however aren’t so lucky. They are driven to distraction by the evil terrorist super-noises, and have been in constant agony all night. Have you not noticed them in hedgerows, trying to gnaw off their limbs?
What a great way to undermine a country’s economy – make everyone in that country about 70% more tired. More likely to make mistakes, inadvertantly dig up gas mains, trade millions of pounds of stock twice by hitting ‘Enter’ twice, accidentally leave the keys in the intercontinental balistic missiles when you nip off for a cuppa….