12 Easy Steps to Lose 15 Pounds In Two Months

I peaked a little and then settled down to losing fat

I’m not particularly obese by American or Scottish standards, but I’ve been dissatisfied with my body fat percentage for a while. Here’s what I did that helped me drop 15 pounds – some of it fat, some of it muscle.

  1. Stopped doing things that didn’t work for me. Basically I stopped trying to add muscle at the expense of everything else. So no more post-workout carb and protein blitzes.
  2. Find food I like to snack on. This was pretty simple. Cashews. Loaded with fat and calories, and supposedly good at improving mood. I eat the heck out of them whenever I feel peckish. Sometimes I eat about 3 cups a day. Crazy amount of calories, but it works for me.
  3. Eat often. I eat a lot. It’s supposed to increase your metabolism, and I eat anywhere from 4-7 times a day as my schedule allows.
  4. Don’t eat food product. I try to eat things that are made from food, with few ingredients. Nothing from a box, some things from a can, and as much as possible that I have cooked.
  5. Salmon burgers. Frozen. Fried in oil. From the freezer to the plate in 6 minutes which is important when you’re eating all the time. I get them in bulk from CostCo.
  6. Fruit and vegetables. I’m terrible at eating these – really. So I just get them juiced at Jamba Juice or the Daily Juice. Two stores that are on my way to other things.
  7. Salad. Salad is dull as dishwater for me, so I cover it in oil and vinegar – either a home made dressing or store bought. I have a salad with a slice of bread and a salmon burger every day for breakfast whenever possible. The salad is supposed to fill you up. At any rate, it makes me less worried that I’m missing out on nutrients.
  8. Exercise. I don’t exercise more than I used to, I just enjoy it more. I kick-box twice a week, and the difference with this is that it’s fun and I like the people. Which means I tend not to skip class. Working out alone sucks.
  9. Cut out the rubbish. I stopped gorging on bread and cakes and chocolate and booze. For me the only way to stop drinking a lot of booze was to stop drinking at all. Same with chocolate. Bread I have in moderation, and I try to eat the decent bread. It’s not hard to figure it out looking at the back of the packet. I also avoid high impact carbs whenever I can. More sweet potato, less corn chips. I also avoid dairy, as it doesn’t work for me.
  10. Sleep and drink water – in that order. I drink water before I eat anything in the morning. A hot cup of water with lemon in. It’s supposed to flush something or other out of somewhere or other. I don’t know if it works, but it sets my attitude that I’m not going to eat junk all day before I even eat anything.
  11. Don’t eat carbs after 5pm. My kick boxing instructor told me this would help me wake up in the morning, and it really does. Sure I have a late night cookie from time to time, but I try not to. And I wake up with a ping every morning. Sleep helps with that too.
  12. Measure every day. OK so this might be a little overkill, but I weigh myself every morning as soon as I wake up and take care of the pee-pee. So I’m measuring roughly the same thing each day. Me, slightly dehydrated from the night’s sleep and having just taken a pee. I chart it. If I was really good, I’d measure body fat percentage – my scale does that but I don’t trust the absolute numbers too much – just the daily changes.

So that worked for me. My weight has stabilized, so I’m looking for a way to get rid of another 4% of body fat – I know it’s vain and pointless but I want a 6 pack for my birthday. And realistically, most of life is ultimately pointless, so why not?


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