It would be tempting to think that having your roof fixed by a burly bunch of roofers at great expense would be a bad thing. Not so, if one is prepared to look for the silver lining of the cloud that will hopefully not be pouring water into your bedroom any longer. It might turn out that there is enough flat roof at the top of your flat to pour thousands of pounds worth of bitumen, asphalt and lead onto. That thousands of pounds is arguably a bad thing. But it means that the area is surely big enough to lie down on.
Oh the potential opportunities – lying in the sun with a bucket of fruit and and a baseball bat, showering the streets with vapourised apples. Or wearing ninja clothes and sniping with an air rifle at the strangely twitchy and paranoid customers of the crack den next door in the middle of the night. As John Travolta said – “Ah, those summer nights.”