Being ill is quite good. You don’t have to leave the house when it’s raining. If you plan it right, you can wind up on the sofa with a couple of videos, not having to watch daytime chat shows. And avoid watching the News changing so slowly – the newsreaders dilligently repeating themselves every 30 minutes.
And you see all of the evening television too. Like Futurama. I met one of the Futurama writers once in Mexico. He claimed that the creative writing process was not as interesting as you’d imagine. In fact, after about three hours, he hadn’t made me laugh once. I was disappointed, disillusioned. But then, being a new media celebrity myself, I suffer from the same reaction ‘Oh you look so much taller on the internet.’ or ‘Where’s your sun tan’, or worst of all ‘You’re funnier on the web.’ Another strange thing that happens when you have a few readers is that people send you weird emails, telling you about what they’re cooking, and which boy-bands they like. Keep ’em coming.