The new black
Pipe-cleaners. Have you ever bought a few bags of pipecleaners and just sat down and played with them? You can make structures, hats, animals, wireframe Elite spaceships, anything you like. They’re great. Cheap too.
Pipe-cleaners. Have you ever bought a few bags of pipecleaners and just sat down and played with them? You can make structures, hats, animals, wireframe Elite spaceships, anything you like. They’re great. Cheap too.
I did this, blah blah blah, I did that. One day I was driving through Mighty Mighty Loughborough – the small town I went to school in. There were a few of us in the car, school chums, if you will. “I did that sculpture,” said Jim, pointing at a large installation, as we drove
Ra ra ra. Me me me Read More »
is that if you abide by them for long enough, it’s great fun to break them. So here I go. Here are the blogs I read when I can. A tale of a perky student in the US . I’ve been following this one for ever. Think sassy, smart, occasionally goopy but always entertaining. A
The thing about rules Read More »