Tokyo is the only place I have ever been where if you stand still looking at a map for more than 30 seconds, someone will come up and try to help you. And not ask you to look at their art exhibition / topless bar / puppies in the woods. People are so polite here. […]
Mysteries of the Deep
Roger me with a ralgexed rhino, Tokyo is bonkers. All the usual superlatives apply: like someone drove a pitchfork into your spine and then started pouring tabasco onto your sight nerve endings, while taking a moulinex blender to your sound nerve endings. And its not all flashy lights and high pitched pleading voices like the
Mongolian Cell Phones
Unusual form of communication of the day: Mongolian mobile phones. These are mobile, but attached to a person. And they are the size of a regular desk telephone. From the 1970s. These white behemoths have a little arial, and there bearers are summoned by drivers of cars and pedestrians alike. If it’s a car driver
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