

Stuck in Siberia with nothing to do mid-week? Looking for misadventure? Go to Stratosfear. I did. Apparently. Detectives are peacing together the evidence of what appears to be a string of related incidents in Irkutsk. So far they have come across the following: 1. The chief suspect woke up in a different hotel to the […]

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Onion Donuts

Random street purchase of the day: Something resembling a pastie, turning out to be an onion donut. Strangest thought of the day: Has anyone noticed that Hollywood Hulk Hogan is also a Triple-H? (Good to see that Rock beat Hogan and that turkey Jericho has been ousted from the top by the real Triple-H Most

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Arse. It’s 1 degree colder now. And the guy to my left is beyond torture in his use of the information super porn-way. He is brazen and unashamed now. In fact, he’s just printed out a few things out, and rushed outside. But he’s been replaced by another teenage surfer of the world-wide-wank. Shite. It’s

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