Child again

There’s something hugely satisfying in my new ability to stand silent for five minutes looking at menus without being compelled to order food by the previous uncomfortableness of such silences.

And then ordering something random. Turned out to be salmon and shrimp, a pleasant surprise.

For me, it’s the little things that I find most wonder and interest. Sure, there’s lots of dull grey, overcast skyline, and history a-plenty to write home about, but I like the fact that you can convince a big fingered, large-handed brute of a security guard to prise open one of the padlocks which has jammed on your rucksack. And all the while he’ll be chuntering on in Russian, grabbing at bits of metal with ferocious strength, and I’d just be making funny noises and nodding a lot. And it’s the most amazing feeling of communication.

It’s like being a child again.

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