Why are all taxi drivers allergic to first gear? Is there some kind of special training they have given by a clutch vendor?
Songkran facts for the visitor:
- Its Thai New Year
- Thais throw water at everyone. Some sort of blessing thing.
- Water pistols are okay. Buckets are okay.
- Iced water lobbed at farangs in the 35 C streets is good.
- Drinking booze is essential
- Not drinking filthy water is hard
- Driving around the streets for 3 days in pickup trucks driven by pissed people, with 10 other pissed people on the back and a barrel is normal
- There were 140+ deaths on Saturday due to festivities. This is not uncommon. Smashed cars all over. Motorcycles with families of 4 and 3 water pistols and a driver who is smoking. Wiped out. Is normal
- Krabi has a sprinkle dance. It involves lots of drinking, dancing, and a fire engine. And me.