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Disconnect battery

jack up the front

get lots of shiny tools...

...and more shiny tools

Remove wheel support engine

move the radiator overflow tank

attack the engine mount with huge leverage

remove the spark plugs with a long thin socket

Note lead #1 and remove the distributor

Position at TDC. Loosen alternator and remove drivebelt

Remove the upper timing belt cover

those pesky engine mounting bolts

remove the left front engine mount

remove the cover to access the crankshaft pulley

devise a way to keep the pulley still using bolts and rods

drain the radiator and fail to find the engine block drain :(

take off the timing belt

carefully remove water pump

use a drinking straw to help with TDC

devise tool to undo camshaft pulley bolt

remove pulley and change oil seal

reattach camshaft pulley bolt and torque up

bar front left wheel and use RHS wheel to rotate crankshaft while in 4th gear

slap belt on, rotate crankshaft by 3 teeth and tighten tensioner