So what is Tokyo really like? Its like Blade Runner. Exactly like it. Only people yell at you when you go into a noodle shop. And they have jellyfish with ultraviolet lights illuminating their tanks. And instead of flying cars, they have cars which get shuffled about in vertical car storage areas by large hydraulic machines. And the hustlers trying to get you into topless dance clubs will actually help you figure out your map, and where you really want to go. And only if you make eye contact with them, otherwise they let you pass.

And then the addictions start. I have yet to play the funny ball bearing game, but I am addicted to bowing my head when addressing strangers. It really puts them out if you bow before and after they bow, and if you bow lower. It kind of gets into a limbo competition, with the loser touching his chin to the ground first. To hedge my bets, and protect my chin, I have entered into the side competition of “who can have the silliest beard” and left a sprout on my chin.

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