Alright, enough of this nonsense. It’s not enough that we had to get a conference room for our dive and fish lectures today. Its okay that the toilets were behind the whiteboard (in two cubicles behind the whiteboard, not literally the back of the whiteboard). I could cope with the right hand toilet cubilce having a tap instead of a flush handle. Hunky dorey when the tap in fact just squirts water horizontally from a pipe three feet up the cubicle wall. Right at you. At high pressure.

All these things are fine, and I still think Malaysia is tops and fingers. But why was there a microphone in the left hand cubicle?And why was this microphone connected to the conference room tannoy? All I can say is that I am sorry to my fellow volunteers and students. I didn’t know it was there.

Fixed the archives link by popular demand today, that’s how slow the pace is here.

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